Ticket to Heaven - Sharing!
What is the commission of everyone who has their Ticket to Heaven?
To bring the good news and with the power of the Holy Spirit, redeem people from the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of God.
Jesus came to earth, shed His blood and died to redeem us from the kingdom of darkness and take us into the Kingdom of God.
" Go, make disciples of all nations: baptize them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
Mathew 24:18-20
What did King Jesus command us to do? Go, make disciples, baptize them teach them what Jesus commanded us to do. What did God command us to do - Go, make disciples .... teach them to also Go, makes disciples ... and teach them also to Go, make disciples .... and teach them to Go and make disciples.
We Go out, get someone to pray for their Ticket to Heaven and teach them how to Go and help someone get their Ticket to Heaven so they can be taught to Go and help another to get their Ticket to Heaven and to teach that person to do the same etc. etc. etc.
In other words if you have your Ticket to Heaven and you are assigned # 1 then you are to help # 2 to pray for their Ticket to Heaven, bringing them from the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of God. You teach # 2 to Go and help # 3 to get their Ticket to Heaven and win them into the Kingdom of God. Now # 2 teaches # 3 to Go and win someone into the Kingdom of God, then # 3 goes out and wins someone # 4 into the Kingdom of God and teaches # 4 to Go and win someone into the Kingdom of God.
This page was written to excite you into the greatest commission given by our King Jesus to each one of us who already have our Ticket to Heaven.
If you have your Ticket to Heaven and do not feel adequate to lead a person to obtain their ticket to heaven, then let me give you some simple steps you can take to get you started.
If you have a paying job it gives you a sense of some value. Those who lose their job start to feel unworthy.
God has many vacant jobs He wants filled by people like you. Jesus wants everyone to spread and tell people the good news. God wants everyone to love and encourage each other as Christian brothers and sisters.
One way we show love to others is to tell people the real reason why Jesus had to go to the cross. Those who have your ticket to heaven understand the importance of Jesus going to the cross and shedding His blood for us.
Simple Steps you can do for God:
Here are simple steps you can do in witnessing for Jesus and being busy in working in the business of God the father. Winning souls for the Kingdom of God with the power of the Holy Spirit.
Go tell someone you've got your Ticket to Heaven. Be selective who you tell it to. Let me explain, look at someone's face and eyes. Do they have an influence from God or the devil.
Look for these characteristics in their face: - Love - Joy - Peace - Gentleness - Kindness -
If you do not see one or two of these characteristics then look for someone else to say I have my Ticket to Heaven. Exception will happen and the Holy Spirit will guide you when you get tuned with listening to the Holy Spirit's guidance. I have been lead to witness to various individuals but for now stick with the basics as per above advice.
Sentence you can use:
I got my Ticket to Heaven today!
I got my Ticket to Heaven yesterday!
I got my Ticket to Heaven this week!
I got my Ticket to Heaven last week!
I got my Ticket to Heaven this month!
I got my Ticket to Heaven last month!
I got my Ticket to Heaven this year!
I got my Ticket to Heaven last year!
I have my Ticket to Heaven DO YOU HAVE YOURS?
I have my Ticket to Heaven do you want to know how to get yours?
Why are so many nice people not going to Heaven?
Why are there not more people not getting saved (Ticket to Heaven)?
Want to know the answer?
Answer to the First question: People believe they are going to heaven. Why do they believe they are going to heaven? Because the devil is good at what he does. The devil is good at lying and deceiving people. If you ask 100 people or 1,000 people the majority believe they are going to heaven. If you ask them on what do they base their belief, they will tell you by being good, doing good or any form of good deeds outweigh the bad deeds.
Jamaicans know their bible more than any group I have ever met. Guess what, the devil also has most of them believing in his lies. Works.
Now that you know the lie the devil uses to not ask God for their Ticket to Heaven then you are ready to use God's word against his lies. Remember Jesus answered the devil with the Word when the devil tried to deceive Jesus.
The verse that I believe that is the most effective to break the hold of the lie of being good to get into heaven is this one:
Revelation 21:8 " Murders ............ and all liars will have their place in the lake of fires".
Rev. 21:8 has been the verse I have been using for 40 years and I have seen the Holy Spirit remove the veil of lie of the devil and have seen many facial expression change when I pronounce the verse. God's word is alive and powerful and penetrates to remove the lie.
Say the verse and see the power of God work on people. Amazing power and amazing results. Please do not say revelation 21 8 before or after you say the verse. Just say the words and do not include the location of the verse. No need to sound religious. God uses His word, God does not need the address of the verse. God's word is the power not the location. If you feel you need to use the location then go ahead I am only sharing from my experience and do not want you to feel obligated one way or another.
The devil deceived Adam and Eve. He has been oppressing people throughout ages. When Jesus the one who actually created the devil, the devil thought he could deceive Jesus and have Jesus work for him. Can you imagine how much the devil has deceived people that he believed he could deceive Jesus and recruit Jesus to work for him.
The answer to the second question above is simple:
No one has personally told them they believe the lie of the devil to get to heaven. No one has told them that it only takes one sin in our whole life to go to hell. No one can go into the presence of a Holy God unless they get their Ticket to Heaven. No one has told them Ticket to Heaven is obtained as a gift from God through His son Jesus because it's only the blood from someone perfect that can make one holy and ready to be in the presence of a Holy God.
I use Romans 6:23 to tell people I am witnessing to that getting Eternal Life (Ticket to Heaven) is a gift. "The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life" (Ticket to Heaven). Please note I spend some time here to make sure they understand what a gift is.
I will ask: Do you have to pay for a gift? Most will answer yes and I have to say then it's not a gift if you have to pay for it, is it? They agree with me. Then I ask do you have to earn a gift? Again most will answer yes and again I have to say then it's not a gift if you have to earn it. they will acknowledge that also. I will then ask if they have to win a gift? Again it is amazing to me how people perceive a gift since they again will answer yes. I will then tell them then if you need to win the gift it's not really a gift is it. They will again acknowledge it is not. I will then ask if they are obligated to a gift? Most people will answer yes to this question also. I will again answer them after they have said yes that if they are obligated to the gift then it's not really a gift. If you have pay or earn or win or be obligated to the gift then it's not a real gift is it.
I do the exercise to make sure people truly understand that the gift of God they are about to receive is a true gift of God and has nothing to do with us or our efforts like works etc. Ticket to Heaven is a true gift of God by His amazing Grace and Love for us.
If someone came to you and told you they have their Ticket to Heaven, would you not wonder what they meant?
Some may not say a word but God will use your words to make them think. Some may ask you what do you mean! Some may say your crazy like I said to my friend Roger and Roland when they said they were going to heaven 100% sure.
I may have said to my friends they were crazy but look what I am telling people today! Pray for the worst answer because that person could become an evangelist and your best friend. Yes, Roger and Roland are still some of my best friends for more than 40 years.
By the way they were not crazy it was something I said to them when they told me they were going to heaven 100% sure. If someone tells you your crazy it is only because it's a sentence they may have never heard before.
I could not say I was going to Heaven 100% sure back then but I can certainly say it today because of God's provision through the shed blood of His son Jesus who is also God and having God's promise because of my faith on Jesus for going there.
Are you afraid someone may ask you how they can get their ticket to heaven? Hey, if someone ask you how they can get their ticket to heaven you can tell them to Google Ticket to Heaven and look for Home of Ticket to Heaven.ca found on the first page. The link is usually found on the first line first page out of millions of sites. Tell them once they click the choice Home of Ticket to Heaven a blue screen website will appear with beach scenery on the top. Tell them to read the second button called ticket to heaven. Tell them they are only 5 to 10 minutes of getting the best gift ever. Could not be a simpler way of sharing the gospel until you get to love to explain it yourself. The website is like the old days when people gave out tracts with a gospel message written on the tract. With Ticket to heaven you always have a tract with you by telling them what to Google.
You can also go to Ticket to Heaven website and explain to the person while you read the page. Make sure after you explain it to ask if they want to pray for their ticket to heaven. Use the prayer on the page. Many have helped people get their ticket to heaven with the website and you to can use the website and help your friends get their Ticket to Heaven.
Most who did it with the website had just gotten their Ticket to Heaven themselves. That is what I would call amazing work for God. If I feel proud of them God feels thousands of times more prouder of them.
Remember a simple word like I have my Ticket to Heaven can be used by the Holy Spirit. See what God can do by your simple words.
One young lady, Carrie Woodside (daughter of Brad Woodside - longest reigning Mayor in Canada) told me she could not witness. I asked Carrie if she could make a simple comment like - I have my ticket to heaven - and she said yes. While we were chatting the first person that came close to her Carrie told him she has her Ticket to Heaven and asked "Do you have yours?
I felt very proud of her and I thought how happy and proud God the father and God Jesus and the Holy Spirit must feel towards Carrie for her simple but effective comment.
Well you get the picture, go and make simple comments and see what the Holy Spirit will do with your comments. Simple steps will also help you get stronger and provide opportunities to share the good news for Jesus.
It is a blessing to be working for the best boss in the world and the universe. It is even more so when you have been personally chosen by God the creator of the universe. If you have your Ticket to Heaven then you have been chosen to be an ambassador for Jesus.
Millions of good people do not have their Ticket to Heaven because they believe one of the lies of the devil! Before you got your Ticket to Heaven you also believed one of the lies of the devil.
Please note, almost everyone believes they are going to Heaven because they are good. That is the most effective lie of the devil and the one lie that is getting most of the people in hell. That lie is used on all religions and all age group.
Jesus has assigned us personally as an ambassador for HIM to go and tell people the truth and tell them the good news in a simple way.
The harvest is ripe, time to bring in the harvest for our savior Jesus and our loving God.
Please note that the presentation flow as seen on Ticket to Heaven is the method I have been using since 2011. The Holy Spirit has used this presentation in a marvelous way. This is not the only way to present the good news but learn the flow of the presentation. Use it and adjust it to your personality and as God guides you personally.
The overall message is the same - get people to see what God says how to get into Heaven God's way not the lie of the devil. We bring the good news and the Holy Spirit does the rest. The Holy Spirit is the one that is the power convicts. We are only servant to Jesus that brings the good news. Expect the power of the Holy Spirit to work when you go out to witness for your Savior. Jesus died on the cross to shed His blood for victory. The victory has been accomplished now we need to go out and obey Jesus when HE said "Go make disciples".
Please do not get into the idea getting saved takes months and years. The harvest is ripe and the Holy Spirit has been working in an unbelievable way. King Jesus has commissioned us to GO and tell what Jesus did for us.
Jesus has asked us to go and make disciples. Make not try. Having Eternal Life (Ticket to Life) means you have the Living God living in your body. The power of God goes with you when you witness. Put your faith that God can work in a super natural way. Expect victory because God wants to give you victory. God is powerful. God still has God's power. God is God and God saves people. God the Father, God Jesus and God the Holy Spirit is waiting for you to go and witness and God wants to use you in winning souls for the Kingdom of God with God's power. God wants to use your voice to bring the good news.
God Himself, coming as a human being because of His great LOVE for us. Amazing love, dying a cruel death for you and me. Jesus has asked us to GO and tell. Kids have show & tell at school, we adult have the great privilege of telling others about why Jesus had to go to the cross. The Holy Spirit wants to use our voice and physical body to speak the Truth. The power of the Holy Spirit will convict and get the person to pray with you right there when you ask him/her to pray for salvation.
Remember to get good at anything one must try and try and do and do. Remember witnessing is a task like no other because that is what God Himself asked us to do. Amazing privilege for us.
I use two main verses
Revelation 21:8 Murderers, adulterer, whoremonger, ........ all these other sins and all liars will have their place in the lake of fire.
Romans 6:23 The wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life.
I concentrate on two points only since those I am speaking with have a knowledge of God the father, God the Son and the Holy Spirit. Jesus dying on the cross etc.
Point # 1 - Penalty of sin - Hell
Point # 2 - Gift of God - Eternal Life
Learn to keep your words simple, none of the religious jargon. God said unless you believe like a child you cannot enter in the Kingdom of God, well keep your language so a child could understand. Your goal is to present two verses, the first verse is to be used to convict and to expose the lie of the devil. All liars will have their place in the lake of fire! Can't be any simpler than that. You will see a changed expression on the person's face when the Holy Spirit allows them to see that truth. Remember we only bring the word and it is the job of the Holy Spirit to convict. The Holy Spirit is the power. When I do my part I really expect the Holy Spirit to do His part since Jesus has told us to and Jesus died for the victory of winning souls into the Kingdom of God.
Stick with point # 1 until they see themselves going to Hell ( some exceptions when you have more experience). When they realize the truth of the penalty of a small sin like a lie will send them to Hell, then they are ready for the good news -
Gift of God is Eternal Life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
I will ask people who I am talking with what is their religious background to get a vision of where they are and also understand the people who may be praying for them. I never bring up any specific church in my presentation except the time I ask them their religious background. I am not promoting any religion but bringing the good news of what God says how to obtain the greatest gift one can ever receive, Ticket to Heaven. Why Jesus had to die on the cross. I am promoting Jesus and the Kingdom of God!
Stick to the presentation - most of the time
Concentrate on Sin like a lie that separates us from God - many people may have heard this before but the truth did not penetrate - some may not have heard that a small sin separates us from going to heaven -
What is my Goal?
1 - Bring the Good News to an individual,
2 - Let the Holy Spirit work on that person,
3 - Ask that person if they would like to put their FAITH on the Cross (meaning what Jesus did on the cross - shed His blood to forgive us of our sins - died and rose from the dead on the third day) and obtain their gift of eternal life.
Important - Please note asking someone to pray is Extremely Important. One does not get into the Kingdom of God until one prays and puts their Faith on the Son's work on the Cross. This is one of the most missed opportunity in witnessing.
Look, I know some will tell you maybe you led them into a false profession! I had heard some well meaning bible teachers talk about leading people into a false profession. Years later I learned from experienced evangelists that it was another lie of the devil to keep us from moving forward. It had kept me from asking people if they wanted to pray. I witnessed and wanted people saved but did not want to risk asking because I did not want to risk leading them to a false profession. People literally had to ask me what's next when they wanted to pray.
Do I ask people to pray for their Ticket to Heaven now? You can be sure I look forward to it. Today I expect the person or persons I am witnessing to to actually pray with me after I have explained the Good News in a simple way. I am surprised if they don't pray with me! Why? Because Jesus came for that purpose and asked us to witness and the Holy Spirit is more powerful that all the evil spirits. I do my job and I really expect the Holy Spirit to do His. It is in God's will and therefore expect victory!.Expect victory because Jesus asked us to witness to redeem people from the kingdom of darkness and bring them into the Kingdom of God. He died for such victory! Expect victory! The harvest is ripe so pick the harvest that is ripe and don't waste your time in none ripe fields!
You will experience in your journey much victory in witnessing but there will be some exceptions when interference with be great and the person will not get a chance to pray for their Ticket to Heaven. There is a spiritual warfare when you enter into the kingdom of darkness to plunder lost souls. Your faith will increase as you witness more victory till your faith is so strong you expect the Holy Spirit to convict almost everyone you witness to.
This is your victory journey with Jesus as you follow Him in His service. Jesus went about in His father's business, to redeem souls. That is our business to be about our Father's business to redeem people into the Kingdom of God.
Let me give you some wisdom. My ministry is to a very specific group since 2011 and I am selective of who I witness to with some exceptions of course. I select the person to talk with that I believe God wants them to have their Ticket to Heaven. There are millions and millions of people who will never get their Ticket to Heaven and I usually do not spend time witnessing to those I believe will not get their Ticket to Heaven. I witnessed to everyone for 38 years and now it is very specific. I look for the harvest, not for planting but for harvesting. The bible tells us the harvest is ripe, and since 2011 in an amazing way.
Some of the Christian men that I respect have noticed the same thing.
Ask! Did I say Ask! Yes you must confront the one you have just told the God News and ask if they would like to pray for their Ticket to Heaven. Your task is not finished until you gave the person the opportunity to pray with you for their Ticket to Heaven. Many souls are lost because one does not ask the person if they want to pray the prayer of salvation - see Ticket to Heaven.
Please be brave in asking! Expect that the Holy Spirit has been working in a powerful way and expect the person to respond in a positive way. You will be amazed at what the Holy Spirit will do when you witness. Your job is to bring the Good News, the Holy Spirit is responsible for stirring and directing the spirit of the person to see the Truth of God and to stop believing the lie of the devil.
Everyone has a choice to believe God or continue in the sin of believing the lie of the devil. Their choice will determine their eternal destination. I am amazed to see the Holy Spirit work in a marvelous way. The harvest is ripe. I am surprised when someone does not want to pray with me after I explain the good news.
What is the good news?
(1) God made the first couple perfect and they had a perfect relationship with the Living God. Separation between God and Man happened when the first sin came upon mankind. The perfect couple listened to the devil rather than obeying God and therefore man has was cursed by the penalty of sin since the beginning.
(2) God the father had a plan to redeem sinners into the Kingdom of God.
(3) Jesus is God and also the perfect Lamb
(4) God the Father requires shed blood from a perfect lamb to forgive sins.
(5) Jesus emptied Himself and offered Himself to be born as a man, take the cross to shed His blood (which is the power) to forgive our sins, died on the cross and rose from the dead on the third day, lived among the people and rose with His physical body up to Heaven to sit on the right hand of God the Father.
(5) Faith on the blood of Jesus Christ as the only way to have our sins forgiven (past-present-future sins)
(6) God made a promise to give eternal life (Ticket to Heaven) to anyone who puts their Faith on His Son Jesus Christ and accepts Him in their heart and give themselves to Him.
What is my approach?
I first try to determine if the person has their Ticket to Heaven or not. I want people I meet to tell me why they think they are going to Heaven. I already know the answer, (being good or some form of good deeds to mankind) but the exercise is for them to think of why they believe they are going to heaven.
How do I determine if someone has their Ticket to Heaven?
I do not ask if their Christians because most will say yes. During our conversation I will bring up the question this way if we're in a building:
If the building collapsed and we died and we went up to Heaven and St. Peter is at the pearly gate and St. Peter ask you ( I ask them their name and here I repeat their name) NAME why should I let you into heaven? What would you answer? If we're outside I might say if lightning struck us and we died and went to heaven and St. Peter is at the pearly gate etc.
Those are the main questions I use to determine if one has their Ticket to Heaven. I listen carefully at what they say. It gives me clues to where their are in being influenced by God and who may be praying for their soul.
Once they tell you why they believe they should get into heaven, the answer will be on their mind. They conformed what the majority believe, lie # 2. Some may hesitate to give you a stranger a reason but if you encourage them they will come up with an answer close to being a good person.
Now I am ready to tell them about the devil's lies.
I use Rev. 21:8 to make them see what God says about a small sin. I do not repeat the verse location like Revelation 21:8 but only tell them God says " Murderers, adulterers, whoremonger .............and all kinds of other sins and all liars will have their place in the lake of fire.
You are not promoting Bible directions but using God's word for power.
I will then ask if they have ever told a small lie. 99% will admit to that.
I will then ask them if they were to die now where would they go. If they say Heaven, I will repeat Rev. 21:8 and all liars will have their place in the lake of fire. I then ask again, now according to God where would you go if you died? Most will admit to going to hell.
I then tell them they are ready for the good news. I repeat James 6:23 For the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
I do not mention James 6:23 I will say the words of the verse but never where it came from. I want them to hear the word of God as plain as possible without navigation jargon. Keep it simple.
Those are the two verses Rev. 21:8 and James 6:23 Simple, the first tells how one small sin sends us to hell, the other talks about a gift. I never mention where it's from except after they have prayed and put their Faith on Jesus Christ for their gift of Eternal Life.
See Ticket to Heaven - You can keep it simple and explain God the father has one way of getting a Ticket to Heaven only one way. You can explain God the father requires blood to forgive sins, but the blood has to be from a perfect lamb. None of us are perfect but Jesus was the perfect lamb who shed His blood to pay for our sins.
To be continued
People who attend a Christian church either have their ticket to heaven or believe they have their ticket to heaven because they are good person. You need to tell the good news to the person that does not have their Ticket to Heaven. I don't mean in a cold way but by the method on the page Ticket to Heaven. Look at it as serving Jesus and obeying His great commission getting the opportunity of telling individuals the good news. Let individuals see the lies the devil uses on people such as ourselves before we got our Ticket to Heaven.
In my conversation I want them to see they are going to hell while they believe they are going to Heaven. 99 % of all people who attend a Christian church believe they are going to Heaven. Some are real ( actually have their ticket to Heaven) but the rest of people I meet are individuals who believe the second lie of the devil and believe they are going to Heaven because they are a good person.
It is true I meet some fantastic, great and honest people but that is not what God says how to get into Heaven. My task and yours is to get them to see the lies of the devil. All the Christian teaching is already in their mind. The Holy Spirit will work on what they learned from the past. Your task as well as mine to tell them of the blindness they have because of the second lie of the devil.
Was is the approach? I use Rev. 21:8 All liars will have their place in the lake of fire.
Please remember, all your friends and acquaintances who do not have their Ticket to Heaven are heading to hell unless they actually get their Ticket to Heaven. How would you feel if tonight someone called you and told you your best friend just died! How would you feel? If you never witnessed to your best friend I am sure you would feel guilty.
I have the solution for all of you who may struggle to witness. Use this website as your tool. Yes this will help you get bolder in witnessing guaranteed.
How? You may ask. Let me ask you a question - If I gave you the nicest card you ever saw would you be able to share it by giving it to someone? I am sure you could and if I gave you a box of the nicest cards I am sure you have enough friends that you could empty the box of nice cards before the end of the day.
You would feel great that you blessed your friends with all those nice cards.
Here is the solution! Ask people if they remember the series Touched by an Angel. Everyone loved that show. Well Roma has a 3 minutes video that is a wow video. The video is soothing and calming for the first minute then she has inspirational words. It's a wow video. I have a link from the website Ticket to Heaven. It is found on the fourth button of the website called Links to Bless. You can tell anyone about the video. You can tell them where to find the link to the nice 3 minute video made by one of the stars of Touched by an Angel.
Everyone loves that show so it will be easy to share the link - Ticket to Heaven. That is it, to start you off. No talk about Jesus just how to find the link to the wow video.
Later as you get bolder you can add they can get the best gift ever if they have been chosen by God by reading the second button that takes you to a page called Ticket to Heaven.ca.
Please note one will experience some opposition from time to time but remember Jesus told us we would and the perfect God Jesus received much opposition. You cannot be effective for Jesus without some opposition unless your are no threat to the devil. Be a threat to the kingdom of darkness. Let the demons fear your work with the power of the Holy Spirit instead of you fearing opposition. Stay focused in serving your Lord.
All effective Christians serving Jesus has had opposition. Do nothing and you will have no oppositions. Work for your Lord and be effective and the devil will notice you and send you some opposition.
Which Christian do you want to be known for?
This page is a work in progress - I'm a slow at typing but will add as time permits.